Former banking professional loves improving people’s personal and financial lives.
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After 10 years in the banking industry, Helen Watt was ready to start a family and become a stay-at-home mom. But four years and three children later she recognized something was missing. That’s when she decided to embrace a direct selling opportunity.
Today Helen enjoys helping her Youngevity team establish true financial independence. Whether it’s covering ballet class fees or a new car payment, she loves helping folks live more comfortably. She does her best to connect people to all of our brands, products, and services, meeting them where they are, listening to their needs, and introducing them to our business opportunity.
But her influence is certainly more than financial. “Our nutritional product support, education, and resources help people regain control of their health and make life-long improvements,” says Helen. “I want to help as many people as I can!”
"I want to help as many people as I can!"