Seasoned veterans in network marketing help others pursue their dreams.
4 Star
Jill and Brian were involved in many endeavors before they started in network marketing nearly 20 years ago. But in Free Life they recognized a low-risk opportunity, so Jill made the commitment first. Early on, their instincts told them to follow the system (one of their favorite tips). Jill enrolled 42 people by the end of her second month, and in the first five years, they paid off a six-figure debt and bought a house!
Today, they’re thrilled about Youngevity and one of their primary goals is growing their team internationally. “It’s been an amazing ride for us,” says Jill. Others see that we’re regular people building this business one person at a time and realize they can do it too.” According to Jill, “While the products are obviously important, the true magic is in you. You can help others live a better life and why would you stop? There are so many people in the world to reach.”
“While the products are obviously important, the true magic is in you. You can help others live a better life and why would you stop? There are so many people in the world to reach.”