Skilled entrepreneur gets back to basics to help people succeed in business.
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Rico Life co-founder Ricardo Arellano recalls a pivotal moment in the business he helped create. He knew his company was experiencing growing pains, and fortunately had the insight to partner with a larger organization. After being acquired by Youngevity, Ricardo got back to basics, which meant spending more time interacting with people.
“My goals are simple. Help others find their passion,” says Ricardo. “Our growth escalated because of how many products are available to focus on. If people choose not to become a Distributor, they find a passion for the products as a customer!”
In his Ricardo’s words, “If you want to make big money, you have to keep growing personally. Live that philosophy every day, and let your dream grow with you.” With focus on 90 For Life, Ricardo admits he still has much to learn. But one thing his experience has taught him is stick to the basics: “Repeat what you know is working. Share with everyone you know and repeat again.”
"If you want to make big money, you have to keep growing personally. Live that philosophy every day, and let your dream grow with you."