Scott & Julliette Fardulis
Youngevity products inspire couple to achieve their dreams.
Emerald Ambassador
“We found the products first,” says Juliette, “and it was only later that we discovered how incredible and lucrative the compensation plan was. That was a bonus!”
In a great YouTube video recorded last year, Scott talks about achieving dreams through Youngevity. He asks viewers to draw a big circle and write down all the things that come to their mind when they dream about the future. “Go back to when you were kids,” he exhorts, “when your dreamscape was enormous, before your dreams were smashed.” Perhaps one of the best ways to get to know Scott and Juliette is to see what they would include in their own “dream circle.” Here is a partial list:
1) Making memories with their kids while they are still young –They’ve shared many TAC vacations with their children. They love to plan family vacations, especially involving international locations, which they check off as they go. The family looks forward to a trip planned to France next summer.
2) Church activity –They have been very committed to their church since 1998. Faith and instilling values bring joy to the family.
3) College tuition –The goal is to save significant funds for their three children by the time they are high school seniors,so they don’t have to “fret” about student loans. The have a system called “Cash for College,” which theypromote among parents. Fifteen-year-old son Blake has made a goal to accumulate $100,000 for tuition and has qualified as an SEMD. He invites friends to come to meetings and bring their parents, which is a fantastic way to introduce people to Youngevity.
4) We've taken up golf as a family, and there's a custom golf cart in the garage. We also have season ski passes, a pool table, a ping-pong table, and a home theater system so the kids can entertain their friends at our house.
5) Private Christian school –All our kids go to the same school. It’s a quality education and so convenient sinceit’s only a couple of miles away.
6) Charity –Scott works with his father to support a charity that works to combat human trafficking and sex slavery. He really wanted to have the money and time to donate to this important effort.
7) School activity support –As owners of an independent business, Scott and Juliette appreciate the freedom and flexibility they have to volunteer in their kids’ classrooms and attend athletic events.
The Fardulis family is well on their way to achieving many of the things in their dream circle. What is their advice to others?
“What you want from life has to be more powerful than anything that would stop you,” says Scott. “There will always be naysayers and dream stealers. Some people told us we were on an ‘irresponsible path,’ but we didn’t listen. Sometimes you just have to make the decision to surround yourself with people who will support you in your chosen goals. Stay plugged in and don’t miss any Youngevity events.”
"What you want from life has to be more powerful than anything that would stop you."